LSD + Nitrous

LSD by Erik Fenderson
LSD by Erik Fenderson
Nitrous by GreenZeb
Nitrous by GreenZeb

Medium confidence: We're pretty sure this risk rating is right, but we aren't certain.

Low risk synergy: This combination will enhance the effects of each psychoactive, or sometimes give new effects.

Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination

“I get various stuff but they generally stem from my personal paranoias and become almost cartoon representations. Others are cool things like me producing force-fields that I watch people in the club bounce off. Hurricanes start and surround me, blowing people around. Kaleidoscope type effects are quite common too. My favourites are the time looping stuff but they’re tricky to get right. It’s absolutely amazing watching somebody dancing and twirling and they just become like a spinning top.” Bluelight.

We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.

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