Medium confidence: We're pretty sure this risk rating is right, but we aren't certain.
Low risk synergy: This combination will enhance the effects of each psychoactive, or sometimes give new effects.
Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination
“I am uncertain if I will ever blaze up on DMT while jacked up on acid, it being rather intense. There was a sense of loss when I came off the DMT and back to acid reality… I feel the only way I got through the let down of coming back to acid reality after the such vivid insights the DMT gave me was because I had a sense that even though it was over, I had fulfilled my purpose of self inspection.” Erowid.
“it was challenging and weirder than anything I have ever experienced, but it was intense and unforgettable in a good way.” Erowid.
Related research publications
We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.
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