Cannabis + SSRIs

High confidence: There is good evidence to support the risk rating of this combination.
Low risk no synergy: This combination won't do much more than the individual effects of the psychoactives involved.
Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination
“After Prozac I get moderately intoxicated, very unmotivated and only slightly tired. Visual scrolling, time dilation, closed-eye visuals and other psychedelic effects are greatly reduced. Almost no increase in emotions, and little euphoria. There’s a new effect in that I feel pressure in my head. I feel as if it’s made me stoned and stupid rather than high and mind expanding. There also seems to be more hangover (bad short-term memory, lethargy, lack of motivation) than before.” Erowid.
“Overall, I felt pretty normal afterwards, and haven’t experienced any mix reactions with the daily 60 mg of fluoxetine.” Erowid.
Related research publications
We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.
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