Cannabis + DMT

Cannabis by Nickel Bag of Funk
Cannabis by Nickel Bag of Funk
DMT by Psychonaught
DMT by Psychonaught

Medium confidence: We're pretty sure this risk rating is right, but we aren't certain.

Minor risk: Watch out, this combination might have some unwanted effects.

Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination

“I could not move, I was immobilized and confronted by an entity or energy so malevolent it scared the living shit out of me.” Erowid.

“I saw a giant neon spider-like being from the inside out. I was in its multi-bladdered heart, moving outwards through its body. It communed with me, and taught me to surrender… a phenomenal mood for about an hour afterwards, I am filled with energy and want to sing and dance.” Erowid.

We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.

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Psychoactive use is embedded in cultural and environmental contexts and should be treated with caution and respect.

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