Benzodiazepine + Opioids
High confidence: There is good evidence to support the risk rating of this combination.
Significant risk: Danger! This is our most dangerous combination rating.
Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination
“i don’t think they potentiate - they just increase sedation, and of course, respiratory depression - which is why it is so dangerous. it’s a very risky thing to go chasing recreational kicks from. personally i’d recommend avoiding mixing benzos with opiates” Bluelight.
” Whenever I take benzos while high on opiates, it dulls my buzz and puts a blanket over it and totally such a waste of opiate get high time and money” Bluelight.
Related research publications
We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.
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