Amphetamines + Tramadol

Amphetamine by DMTrott
Amphetamine by DMTrott
Tramadol by Andy Mabbett
Tramadol by Andy Mabbett

Medium confidence: We're pretty sure this risk rating is right, but we aren't certain.

Significant risk: Danger! This is our most dangerous combination rating.

Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination

“Tramadol (Ultram) is well-known for its propensity to lower the seizure threshold, especially in dosages higher than 300mg in a single sitting. Likewise, Amphetamines and essentially, all stimulants that act in a similar fashion also will lower the seizure threshold. Sure, if you are responsible and use reasonably low dosages of each drug, I’d wager that you will be fine. However, I’m filing this one under “not advised, proceed at your own risk”” Bluelight.

We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.

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