Acacia species and MAOIs
Low confidence: This risk rating could be wrong, we don't know much about this combination.
Low risk synergy: This combination will enhance the effects of each psychoactive, or sometimes give new effects.
Reports of people trying this psychoactive combination
“Then the nausea set in, this is probably the only thing about ayahuasca that can be a little tricky but it wasn’t too bad, I felt like throwing up a few times but suprisingly after about 10 to 15 minutes that all cleared up rather nicely.” Erowid.
“…I saw that objects had begun to send ripples through the air from their edges, like rocks being thrown into a pond. My sense of time was greatly distorted, and I had a sense of euphoria wash over me… as I looked at my sitter, she had what almost looked like transluscent multicolored face paint on that disappeared when I blinked and reformed. Erowid.
Related research publications
We are yet to identify a research publication reporting on this combination. If you know of a publication that demonstrates the risk rating of this combination, please share the publication with us.
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